How to promote something on Facebook?
Hello, today I am going to tell you how to promote something on Facebook.
Yes we know Facebook offers sponsored posts that becomes much popular! But here we are going to talk about promotion without paying…
Let’s take an example! On Android, you have got a referral code and have to promote it, or you have a Facebook page and want to get LIKES etc.
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Everyone has his Own ways, and I have my Own!
1. Share your content in all groups you have joined. Groups are richest places to share anything.
More the members, more will be your chances of successful promotion.
But take precaution don’t spam. Choose the groups that you are getting more audience and leave the rests. Join new groups and continue this.
2. If you have a Fb page, just comment your page link with an attractive description to popular pages posts! It works as people sometimes finds these interesting. (But page admin may ban you permanently, so beware!)
3. If you promote referral codes of say, earning apps, then follow this:
Go to all earning apps fb page, (as per as your category of promotion, go to all similar fb pages), find the Latest posts and Who commented there, now private message them and promote there.
This works great with no chances of getting blocked. And as you have chosen similar pages on Fb, the people Who comments there has a great chance to listen you!
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4. Have popular friends with more followers???
Post to their timeline. Dont waste time posting to every friend’s timeline, just few ones.
In that way, your friend’s friends can view it. You will get an indirect referral.
Hope the following tips helps.
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